In the field of human genetics, the name Mitochondrial Eve refers to the matrilineal most recent common ancestor (MRCA), in a direct, unbroken, maternal line, of all currently living anatomically modern humans, who is estimated to have lived approximately 100,000–200,000 years ago. This is the most recent woman from whom all living humans today descend, in an unbroken line, on their mother’s side, and through the mothers of those mothers, and so on, back until all lines converge on one person. Mitochondrial Eve is estimated to have lived between 99,000 and 200,000 years ago, most likely in East Africa, when anatomically modern humans were developing as a population distinct from other human sub-species.
A man who died in 315 BC in southern Africa is the closest relativeyet known to humanity’s common female ancestor – mitochondrial Eve
Fossils discovered in Ethiopia corroborate the hypothesis of "
genetic Adam" and anticipate the emergence of modern man around 160,000 years ago .
To find out how the migration of the humans started, we will turn our attention to the Table of Nations in Genesis 10.We will begin our digging expedition with the listing of Noah's three son (see Gen.10:1) Why there?Because as renowned Bible teacher Dr Tony Evans point out,"all humanity had its origins in the three sons of Noah (see Gen.9:18-19;Acts 17:26) "Thus, the table is the proper place to begin for identifying a people's etnic/racial background.
The names of Noah's 3 sons are translated like this :
Shem: Means dusky or olive color
Ham :Means dark or black
Japeth: Bright or Fair
The Table of the Nations .
The purpose of this study is to find the black folk ,and in order to do that, we must trace the Descendants of Ham. Ham had four sons (see Gen 10:6) Cush, Mizraim,Put and Cannaan.
Cush was the father of Ethiopian people.This is proven by the fact that the Bible uses both Cush and Ethiopian to identify the same place or people. Cush or Kush is the Hebrew word for black.
Ethiopia is a Greek word meaning "black face".
Ethiopia is a Greek word meaning "black face".

Mizraim is the father of the Egyptian people .
Put is the father of the Libyans and Canaan(Canaanites), as Hamites all of these people were black.
Put is the father of the Libyans and Canaan(Canaanites), as Hamites all of these people were black.
An intensive look in the bible of Genesis will reveal that Genesis 10 devote more space to black people than to any other group. For example, the verses dealing with Japeth and his descendants are
4. Shem and his descendants are dealt with in 11 verses. Ham and his descendants are addressed in 15 verses.This majority number of verses indicates that black people had a position of power, prestige and dominance in early civilization.It also suggest that the black men played a key role in the outworking of god's purposes in the world.
Our Ancients truth is written on stone just look closer
There has been a debate about which civilization came first.It really does n't matter much.
In either case, both of the civilization were founded by Cush .That's why you may find some similarities in Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations. We can assume that the Cush people established the first civilization in Mesopotamia and then migrated to Africa where they continued to build.This seems to better fit the Bible's post-flood chronology.
Black people where the father of the modern day civilization, Europe owes its education to the black man of Africa, its from the black man that the Europeans learn art, astrology/science and the art of speech/writing.
The Ancient Egyptians made many great advances in science and contributions to the store of human knowledge, especially in medicine and alchemy. The Egyptians also contributed to ancient astronomy and, as with the Mesopotamian, their work was based upon agriculture and predicting the seasons.
Although credit for popularizing the expression "the rule of law" in modern times is usually given to Ancient Greek and Roman development of the legal concept can be traced through history to the Mesopotamian,This is the earliest known written legal code, and was composed about 1780 B.C.E. by Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon.The Code of Hammurabi refers to a set of rules or laws enacted by the Babylonian King Hammurabi (reign 1792-1750 B.C.). The code governed the people living in his fast-growing empire. By the time of Hammurabi's death, his empire included much of modern-day Iraq, extending up from the Persian Gulf along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
The Ancient Egyptians made many great advances in science and contributions to the store of human knowledge, especially in medicine and alchemy. The Egyptians also contributed to ancient astronomy and, as with the Mesopotamian, their work was based upon agriculture and predicting the seasons.
Although credit for popularizing the expression "the rule of law" in modern times is usually given to Ancient Greek and Roman development of the legal concept can be traced through history to the Mesopotamian,This is the earliest known written legal code, and was composed about 1780 B.C.E. by Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon.The Code of Hammurabi refers to a set of rules or laws enacted by the Babylonian King Hammurabi (reign 1792-1750 B.C.). The code governed the people living in his fast-growing empire. By the time of Hammurabi's death, his empire included much of modern-day Iraq, extending up from the Persian Gulf along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
Detail of the Code of Hammurabi. The laws were chiselled into the basalt stele in cuneiform.
There are as many as 300 laws that discuss a wide range of subjects, including homicide, assault, divorce, debt, adoption, tradesman’s fees, agricultural practices, and even disputes regarding the brewing of beer.
The Code of Hammurabi is inscribed on this seven-foot basalt stele
The code is best known from a stele made of black diorite, more than seven feet (2.25 meters) tall, that is now in the Louvre Museum in Paris. The stele was found at the site of Susa, in modern-day Iran, by excavators who were led by Jacques de Morgan at the beginning of the 20th century. Scholars believe that it was brought to Susa (black in ancient Asia) in the 12th century B.C. by an Elamite ruler who subsequently erased a portion of it in preparation for creating an inscription of his own.
FROM AFRICA TO BHARAT (Ancients Indo asia)
These pictures factualize the migration of Kushites to India (Asia).

Madurai city:major city in the state of Tamil Nadu in southern India

Ranganathaswamy temple dedicated to the Hindu god Ranganatha
In the period of the fall of Babylon and man some Kushite groups moved to India and became the Dravidian's of an Aborigine cast of today.Man changed slightly and you can look at Australian Aborigines and Africans and see that difference. If humans originally had straight or slightly curled hair like Aborigines and developed woolly hair later in Africa or if Aborigines developed straight and slightly curly hair later is not known. When humans first reached Asia they undoubtedly looked similar to the Africoid but more than likely would be genetically classified as Australoid or Austronesian. Proof of an Australoid people in Asia has been verified by archaeological artifacts and modern Indian dna. The evidence of Australoid dna in South East Asia is visible in the darker complexions of Vietnamese,Thai,Taiwanese,Cambodian and other Southeast Asians Linguistics & DNA also points to Australoid dna in South East Asian and Austronesian dna in East Asia.
The Onge are one of the aboriginal peoples (adivasi) of India. Together with the other Andamanese tribes and a few other isolated groups elsewhere in East Asia, they comprise the Negrito peoples, believed to be remnants of a very early migration out of Africa.

Face Of Jayavarman VII, Angkor,Cambodia
Note the ears of this modern Massai man from Kenya and compare to the Buddhas
Dravidians in Tamil
It is also important to note that in the kingdom of the Pandyas women seem to have enjoyed a high status. This is the exact opposite of the regions of India where the whites ruled. In these lands of Aryan domination it is said that a woman was never independent. “When she is a child she belongs to her father. As an adult when she marries she belongs to her husband. If she outlives her husband she belongs to her sons.” An early queen of the Pandyas, on the other hand, is credited with controlling an army of 500 war elephants, 4,000 cavalry and 13,000 infantry
The major city of Pandya was Madurai, the location of the famous chapel of the Tamil Sangam (Academy).
To the northwest of Pandya was the kingdom of Chera (present-day Kerala). Northwest of Pandya lay the kingdom of Chola, said to be the place where Saint Thomas the Apostle was buried. The Venetian traveler Marco Polo, who visited India in 1288 and again 1293, referred to Chola as “the best province and the most refined in all India.” Polo further exclaimed that:
Woodabi woman from West Africa Ndabele woman from South Africa
“The darkest man is here the most highly esteemed and considered better than the others who are not so dark. Let me add that in very truth these people portray and depict their gods and their idols black and their devils white as snow. For they say that God and all the saints are black and the devils are all white. That is why they portray them as I have described.”
Orissa women from northeast India. Note the similarity in jewellery worn compared to the African women
The Dravidians were an unusually advanced seafaring people, with the Cholas, in particular, distinguishing themselves amongst the dominant maritime powers of their era. Through its ports, the great kings of Chola traded with Ethiopia and Somalia, Iran and Arabia, Cambodia and China, Sumatra and Sri Lanka, exporting spices and camphor, ebony and ivory, quality textiles and precious jewels.
The kingdoms of the Dravidians produced great poets and writers. Cuntarar, also known as Sundaramurti, was, during the eighth century, the most prominent of the highly esteemed Nayanars poets of Tamil Nadu, India. The Periya Puranam, which collects the legends of the Nayanars, starts and ends with him.
Tamils of Ceylon
Kulashekhara Varma (800-820 A.D.), was a Tamil king who founded the second Chera Empire of South India. As king, Kulashekhara Varman united the present-day state of Kerala into a homogenous political entity that became a powerful force in South India for three centuries from 800 to 1102. He ruled from the capital city of Mahodayapuram (present Kodungallur). He is also one of the famous Hindu saints of the Vaishnavite movement of South India who composed one of the most celebrated devotional works of the Tamil Bhakti cult. It is believed that he renounced the crown to become a holy man and ascetic.
In Hinduism, a sādhu (Sanskrit: साधु sādhu, "good; good man, holy man") is a religious ascetic or holy person
The Dravidian kingdoms of South India were well known in the West, having sent several embassies to Rome in particular, in spite of the great distance involved. During the height of their commercial relations, South India was said to extract 100 million sesterces annually from the Roman economy.

Dalits: The Black Untouchables of India
The greatest victims of Hinduism have been those outside the caste system — the outcastes — better known as untouchables. Indeed, probably the most substantial percentage of all the Black people of Asia can be identified among India’s 200 million Untouchables. These people are the long-suffering descendants of Aryan-Sudra unions and native Black populations who retreated into the hinterlands of India in their efforts to escape the advancing Aryan sphere of influence to which they ultimately succumbed. India’s Untouchables number more than the combined populations of England, France, Belgium and Spain.
Frequently the Untouchables are called Outcastes. Indian nationalist leader and devout Hindu Mohandas K. Gandhi called them Harijans, meaning children of God.

Face Of Jayavarman VII, Angkor,Cambodia
Note the ears of this modern Massai man from Kenya and compare to the Buddhas
Dravidians in Tamil
Dravidian Kingdoms
From at least the third century, Three major Dravidian kingdoms existed in South India
The kingdoms of Pandya,Chera ,and Chola.Pandya was the southern most Dravidian kingdom.The major city of Pandya was Madurai, the location of the famous chapel of the Tamil Sangam (Academy).
It is also important to note that in the kingdom of the Pandyas women seem to have enjoyed a high status. This is the exact opposite of the regions of India where the whites ruled. In these lands of Aryan domination it is said that a woman was never independent. “When she is a child she belongs to her father. As an adult when she marries she belongs to her husband. If she outlives her husband she belongs to her sons.” An early queen of the Pandyas, on the other hand, is credited with controlling an army of 500 war elephants, 4,000 cavalry and 13,000 infantry
The major city of Pandya was Madurai, the location of the famous chapel of the Tamil Sangam (Academy).
To the northwest of Pandya was the kingdom of Chera (present-day Kerala). Northwest of Pandya lay the kingdom of Chola, said to be the place where Saint Thomas the Apostle was buried. The Venetian traveler Marco Polo, who visited India in 1288 and again 1293, referred to Chola as “the best province and the most refined in all India.” Polo further exclaimed that:
Woodabi woman from West Africa Ndabele woman from South Africa
“The darkest man is here the most highly esteemed and considered better than the others who are not so dark. Let me add that in very truth these people portray and depict their gods and their idols black and their devils white as snow. For they say that God and all the saints are black and the devils are all white. That is why they portray them as I have described.”
Orissa women from northeast India. Note the similarity in jewellery worn compared to the African women
The Dravidians were an unusually advanced seafaring people, with the Cholas, in particular, distinguishing themselves amongst the dominant maritime powers of their era. Through its ports, the great kings of Chola traded with Ethiopia and Somalia, Iran and Arabia, Cambodia and China, Sumatra and Sri Lanka, exporting spices and camphor, ebony and ivory, quality textiles and precious jewels.
The kingdoms of the Dravidians produced great poets and writers. Cuntarar, also known as Sundaramurti, was, during the eighth century, the most prominent of the highly esteemed Nayanars poets of Tamil Nadu, India. The Periya Puranam, which collects the legends of the Nayanars, starts and ends with him.
Tamils of Ceylon
Kulashekhara Varma (800-820 A.D.), was a Tamil king who founded the second Chera Empire of South India. As king, Kulashekhara Varman united the present-day state of Kerala into a homogenous political entity that became a powerful force in South India for three centuries from 800 to 1102. He ruled from the capital city of Mahodayapuram (present Kodungallur). He is also one of the famous Hindu saints of the Vaishnavite movement of South India who composed one of the most celebrated devotional works of the Tamil Bhakti cult. It is believed that he renounced the crown to become a holy man and ascetic.
Ethiopian Batiwi Monk look the resemble in face and culture
In Hinduism, a sādhu (Sanskrit: साधु sādhu, "good; good man, holy man") is a religious ascetic or holy person
A buddhist monk prepares lunch for the monestry. Deep in the Solu Khumbu, Nepal ·
To the northeast of Pandya lay the Kingdom of Chola, said to house the resting place of Saint Thomas the Apostle. Aditya I was a monarch of the South Indian Kingdom of Chola, and led Chola to victory against the rival kingdoms of Pandya and Pallava. Around 885 A.D., in a mighty battle, the armies of Pandya and Nripatunga Pallava were routed by Aparajita Pallava and Aditya I of Chola. The epic Tamil novel “Ponniyin Selvan” describes this as a battle that changed the course of South India history. Aditya I also built a number of temples for Shiva along the banks of the Kaveri River. Aditya I had a long and victorious reign during which he laid the foundations for the future greatness of the Chola Empire.
The Dravidian kingdoms of South India were well known in the West, having sent several embassies to Rome in particular, in spite of the great distance involved. During the height of their commercial relations, South India was said to extract 100 million sesterces annually from the Roman economy.

Dalits: The Black Untouchables of India
The greatest victims of Hinduism have been those outside the caste system — the outcastes — better known as untouchables. Indeed, probably the most substantial percentage of all the Black people of Asia can be identified among India’s 200 million Untouchables. These people are the long-suffering descendants of Aryan-Sudra unions and native Black populations who retreated into the hinterlands of India in their efforts to escape the advancing Aryan sphere of influence to which they ultimately succumbed. India’s Untouchables number more than the combined populations of England, France, Belgium and Spain.
Frequently the Untouchables are called Outcastes. Indian nationalist leader and devout Hindu Mohandas K. Gandhi called them Harijans, meaning children of God.
Untouchables of Malabar, Kerala (1906)
The Dalits are demonstrating a rapidly expanding awareness of their African ancestry and their relationship to the struggle of Black people throughout the world. This is a highly important development due to the fact that the Untouchables have historically been so systematically terrorized that many of them, even today, live in a perpetual state of extreme fear of their upper caste oppressors. This is especially evident in the villages.
The Dalits are demonstrating a rapidly expanding awareness of their African ancestry and their relationship to the struggle of Black people throughout the world. This is a highly important development due to the fact that the Untouchables have historically been so systematically terrorized that many of them, even today, live in a perpetual state of extreme fear of their upper caste oppressors. This is especially evident in the villages.
The original, first, native, primitive inhabitants of China were black Africans who arrived there about 100,000 years ago and dominated the region until a few thousand years ago when the Mongol advance into that region began. These Africans who fled the Mongol onslaught can still be found in South East Asia and the Pacific Islands misnomered Nigritos or "small black men." The Agta of the Philippines is one such example. Indeed archeology, forensic and otherwise confirm that China's first two dynasties, the Xia and the Ch'ang/Sh'ang, were largely Black African with an Australoid, called "Madras Indian" or "Chamar" in Trinidad, present in small percentages. These Africans would carry an art of fighting developed in the Horn of Africa into China which today we call martial arts: Tai Chi, Kung fu and Tae Kwon Do. Even the oracle of the I-Ching came with a later African group, the Akkadians of Babylon.

Shangs speaking Dravidian?
The Dravidian speakers originally came from Nubia. They were related to the C-Group people. The Shang culture was founded by the Kushites thus the name Yi "Great Bowmen", thus corresponding to Steu, the name for the founders of Ta-Seti the first monarchy in history. The Yi seem to have lived in both north and south China. The founders of Xia are usually referred to as Yueh, as opposed to Yi. It would appear that most of Yi were Dravidian speakers while the Yueh were Manding speakers. The first Shang king was Xuan Wang, 'Black King' (Xuan means black). He was also called the Xuan Di ,"Black Emperor". The founder of the Shang Dynasty was called Xuan Niao "Black Bird"; another Shang king was called Xuan Mu "Black Oxen".
Aboriginals of Australia
A genetic study done by researchers from all over the world: China, Japan, U.S.A. U.K. and other countries, and published in 2001; definitively answered the question of Chinese origins. The findings were that the original Chinese were 100% pure Black African, with absolutely no outside admixture - But here again, we are talking about the original Black Chinese, modern Chinese are quite different.
The original Black population who lived in China were the Negritos and Austroloid groups. After 5000 BC, Africoid people from Kush in Africa began to enter China and Central Asia from Iran, while another groups reached China by sea. This two-route migration of Blacks to China led to the development of southern and northern Chinese branches of Africoids. The Northern Chino-Africans were called Kui-shuang (Kushana) or Yueh-chih, while the southern tribes were called Yi and li-man Yueh and Man. In addition to the Yueh Tribes along the north east coastal region, Blacks also lived in Turkestand, Mongolia, Transoxiana, the Ili region and Xinjiang Province.
The Africans or blacks that founded civilization in China were often called Li Min "black headed people" by the Zhou dynasts. This term has affinity to the Sumero-Akkadian term Sag-Gig-Ga "Black Headed People". These Li Min are associated with the Chinese cultural hero Yao. Evidence of Chinese writing first appears around 2000 B.C. as pottery marks. The shell-and-bone characters represented writing they were not pictures but wedges similar to African Cuneiform. The identification of the first hero of China, Hu Nak Kunte as a member of the Kunte clan of the Manding speakers of Africa is supported by the close relationship between the Manding languages and Chinese.
Sources:African Exposed Truths
The Black Episodes before Colonialism
The African Empires of China
African Civilizations Diop
At about 35,000 B.C. a group of these African Chinese; later known to us as the Jomon, took this route and entered Japan, they became the first Humans to inhabit the Japanese Islands. Later, another group; Known to us as the Ainu, followed.Oddly Indians were Not part of this group. Today, their genes can still be found in 40% of modern Japanese, as well as Mongolians and Tibetans.
Fifty thousand (50,000) years ago, the earliest forms of man were believed to have migrated from the Asian Subcontinent to the Philippine Islands via land bridges formed during the Ice Age. People of the Negrito Race came to the Philippines. Negritos can be described as a generally under five feet tall, flat nosed, dark-skinned with curly brown hair.
The Aeta came 13000 - 10000 years ago from the Asian continent. In earlier times they lived widespread throughout the Philippines. Today they are living in the remote highland areas of Luzon, Palawan, Panay, Negros and Mindanao. About 2300 years ago Malayan people arrived from the mainland in the Philippines and brought a more advanced culture; dairy, iron melting and production of iron tools, pottery techniques and the system of sawah's (rice fields).
A number of factors lend support to the out-of-Africa hypothesis. The Negrito *look* African. Their skin color is light by African standards (though pygmy skin color is also lighter than their Bantu neighbors), but the rest of their physiology appears African. An interesting detail is the fact that the Negrito *sit* like pygmies, with their legs stretched out straight in front of them; I know of no other people who sit that way. The socio-economic relationship between the Negrito and their neighbors is strikingly analogous to that found in Africa. The relic populations of Vedda peoples found in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Arabia. The logical explanation for the presence of Blacks worldwide is part of a great migration.
Black History in america does not start with slavery.The Olmecs Tribe is the oldest civilization
in america.Archeologist named them the Olmecs meaning"rubber people" because there were the 1st people they found that made rubber soles for their shoes and play games with a rubber ball.They were originally the Dogon Tribe,who migrated here from Mali,North/West Africa around 1000 BC
Olmecs also built many of the pyramids in the America and what we know as the Mayan "Calendar"is really the "Olmec Calendar".

The rise of civilization was assisted by the local ecology of well-watered alluvial soil, as well as by the transportation network provided by the Coatzacoalcos River basin. This environment may be compared to that of other ancient centers of civilization: the Nile, Indus, and Yellow River valleys, and Mesopotamia.
The elite class created the demand for the production of the symbolic and sophisticated luxury artifacts that define Olmec culture. Many of these luxury artifacts were made from materials such as jade, obsidian, and magnetite, which came from distant locations and suggest that early Olmec elites had access to an extensive trading network in Mesoamerica.

The "Red Man "or what we know as the indian, didn't exist in America until the 4th century,when the Chinese from Asia migrated here and mixed with the Olmecs, but the Olmecs didn't disappear they later became Washitaws,Cherokee,Freedman,Tunica,Seminoles,Moors,etc...or what we know as "Black Indians. Most of these tribes became the first slaves (prisoners of war) and are known today as
African American,Blacks,Latino and Hispanic.The Olmecs are the fathers of American Civilization.

Scholars have not determined the cause of the eventual extinction of the Olmec culture. Between 400 and 350 BCE, the population in the eastern half of the Olmec heartland dropped precipitously, and the area was sparsely inhabited until the 19th century. According to archaeologists, this depopulation was probably the result of “very serious environmental changes that rendered the region unsuited for large groups of farmers.” These changes may have been triggered by tectonic upheavals or subsidence, or the silting up of rivers due to agricultural practices.
In the 360years between 1500 and the end of the slave trade in the 1860s, at least 12 million Africans were forcibly taken to the Americas - then known as the "New World" to European settlers. This largest forced migration in human history relocated some 50 ethnic and linguistic groups.
Only a small portion of the enslaved - less than half a million - were sent to North America. The majority went to South America and the Caribbean. In the mid-1600s, Africans outnumbered Europeans in nascent cities such as Mexico City, Havana and Lima.
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade is called a Triangular Trade for its three-legged route that began and ended in Europe.
European vessels took goods to Africa, where they were exchanged for slaves. The ships then sailed to the Americas to trade slaves for agricultural products - extracted by slave labor - which were sold in Europe after the return journey.The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade is called a Triangular Trade for its three-legged route that began and ended in Europe.
As far as Africans are concerned, the Australian Aborigines, Trobian Islanders and Melasesians are all part of the protohistoric African Diaspora. However, what we have is not a mere migration of people to Australia but a wide 'Black belt' that circled the tropical, subtropical and temperate zones even before the 'evolution' of African migrants to Europe and Asia and the gradual change due to climatic adaptation into Caucasiod and Mongolod (sic) 'races'.The Black belt included an area around the globe as far north as siberia and as far south as Australian and New Zealand. The entire area was peopled by the protohistoric Negroid racial type, which is what most Africans see Aboriginals and other Blacks in Asia and the Pacific as. Why, because there are tribes in Africa who have features identical to the Australian Aborigines, the Trobian Islanders and the Melanesians. Also, there are cultural traits found in Africa that are also found in Australia and Melanesia, India and other places.

Boomerangs In Ancient Egypt/Nubia.
Cave paintings in the Sahara which was wet during that time show hunters with boomerangs as well as bows and arrows. Do the Australian Aborigines use the bow and arrow. If no, then they may have left Africa before its invention.
Mark of the Krokodile (Papua New Guinea
The language spoken by Australian Aborigines have characteristics in the suffix and prefix forms that are identical to African languages particularly the Mende language family, which was once widespread throughout the Sahara and was spread to India by Blacks who migrated to India in protohistoric times.
A boy from Chad(Africa
The Aborigines are related to a number of ethnic groups in Africa. Among them are the Tibbou, who have characteristics identical to Aborigines, others are the Nagas, who are spread from West Africa to Sudan to South Arabia all the way east to Indo China. The Nagas are Blacks of the Negro type.
The point that the Aborigines currently were a part of a much larger and wider group of people spread around the world and are the same as African Negro types is important. It clearly shows that although Aboriginals migrated to Australia about 100,000 years ago were among the very first groups of people to migrate out of the African continent. (See The Black Untouchables of India by V.T.Rajsher, Runoko Rashidi www.saxakali.comand Y.N.Kly, Clarity Press, Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
However, they also migrated to Europe, the Americas, East Asia and other places during the same period. According to many scientists and anthropologists who have done work on this issue, they were along with other Blacks the first people on this planet and were to be found on every continent. In fact Blacks were also in the Americas as early as 75,000BC according to C.S.Gladwin (The Gladwin Thesis, McGraw Hill Books,1947)
The Blacks from whom the Australian Aborigines most likely came from still live in Africa and the migration of the cousins of the Aborigines did not stop about 60,000 years ago, nor did they migrate only to India, SE Asia and Australia in protohistoric times. There is evidence that a group of Black African people called the 'Anu' who lived in northern Africa / Egypt and followed the Bear cult (bout 5000BC and back to protohistoric times, see the book, African Presence in Early Asia, by Ivan Van Sertima, Transaction Publications, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA) they made a series of migrations to Asia. That is documented in ancient Egyptian texts. They were related to Aboriginals and were of a 'Negro' type in color, features and origins. Many went to northern Asia and China, others went to Japan.
Apart from the Blacks who settled in Asia and Australia from prehistoric Africa, there are a number of tribes and nations right here in the U.S. and the Americans such as the Washitaw Nation, the Afro-Darienite, the Choco Region Blacks of Columbia, the Garifuna who are of pre-columbian and prehistoric origins. The Washitaw Nation built the first empire in the Southern U.S. and the Mississippi Valley and once owned the entire Louisiana Purchase Territories, which were annexed. Recently in 1991, the U.S. returned about 70,000 square acres after the Washitaw won in a court battle. The Washitaw Nations was a great civilization of Pyramid and Mound builders who had a maritime civilization and trade with Africa before Columbus. see
The language spoken by Australian Aborigines have characteristics in the suffix and prefix forms that are identical to African languages particularly the Mende language family, which was once widespread throughout the Sahara and was spread to India by Blacks who migrated to India in protohistoric times.

The Aborigines are related to a number of ethnic groups in Africa. Among them are the Tibbou, who have characteristics identical to Aborigines, others are the Nagas, who are spread from West Africa to Sudan to South Arabia all the way east to Indo China. The Nagas are Blacks of the Negro type.
The point that the Aborigines currently were a part of a much larger and wider group of people spread around the world and are the same as African Negro types is important. It clearly shows that although Aboriginals migrated to Australia about 100,000 years ago were among the very first groups of people to migrate out of the African continent. (See The Black Untouchables of India by V.T.Rajsher, Runoko Rashidi www.saxakali.comand Y.N.Kly, Clarity Press, Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
the Naga
However, they also migrated to Europe, the Americas, East Asia and other places during the same period. According to many scientists and anthropologists who have done work on this issue, they were along with other Blacks the first people on this planet and were to be found on every continent. In fact Blacks were also in the Americas as early as 75,000BC according to C.S.Gladwin (The Gladwin Thesis, McGraw Hill Books,1947)
The Blacks from whom the Australian Aborigines most likely came from still live in Africa and the migration of the cousins of the Aborigines did not stop about 60,000 years ago, nor did they migrate only to India, SE Asia and Australia in protohistoric times. There is evidence that a group of Black African people called the 'Anu' who lived in northern Africa / Egypt and followed the Bear cult (bout 5000BC and back to protohistoric times, see the book, African Presence in Early Asia, by Ivan Van Sertima, Transaction Publications, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA) they made a series of migrations to Asia. That is documented in ancient Egyptian texts. They were related to Aboriginals and were of a 'Negro' type in color, features and origins. Many went to northern Asia and China, others went to Japan.
Apart from the Blacks who settled in Asia and Australia from prehistoric Africa, there are a number of tribes and nations right here in the U.S. and the Americans such as the Washitaw Nation, the Afro-Darienite, the Choco Region Blacks of Columbia, the Garifuna who are of pre-columbian and prehistoric origins. The Washitaw Nation built the first empire in the Southern U.S. and the Mississippi Valley and once owned the entire Louisiana Purchase Territories, which were annexed. Recently in 1991, the U.S. returned about 70,000 square acres after the Washitaw won in a court battle. The Washitaw Nations was a great civilization of Pyramid and Mound builders who had a maritime civilization and trade with Africa before Columbus. see
The migrations and trade westward by sea started declining only about 11,000 years ago when the world sea level rose, recovering from the last deep marine regression caused by global cooling and the locking-up of water in continental glaciers.
There were the Northern migrations, from Ethiopia through the Saudi Arabian region and the migrations down the Nile and through the Sahara region.
Those who traveled over land mixed with other Africans who went through physiological changes as they traveled at earlier periods. Those who made the journey by sea, in one trip, entered foreign lands with the original Black looks.

Examining the migrations through both land and sea routes will allow for a better understanding of the complex exchanges between groups of people who evolved and continued to evolve while migrating out of Africa. Some groups entered China with their original form and others evolved along the way and entered China looking different to their ancestral form.
All people on this earth are connected to the indigenous African people and the migrations of people today can be proven not only by examining the historical records but also through DNA studies.
" The Nuba of Sudan, Africa practiced a form of martial arts wrestling over 2,800 years before Christ. There are no other records in any corner of the world that can claim such a long, and unbroken martial arts tradition. This form of martial arts, which included weapons as well as fortification, and certainly empty hand self-defense blossomed in 12th Dynasty Egypt. Nuba Wrestling™ is the original martial art that all of Africa, Asia, and Europe later came to benefit from".
Beginning in Nubia and Sudan about 10,000 years ago, the Kushites spread across the Levant and Mesopotamia, going as far as Central Asia. They also spread into the interior of Africa along the Shari and the Benue rivers, establishing kingdoms and chieftains as far at Lagos in Nigeria and into the southern Kordafan. They also went west. The Ashante of Ghana were Kushites. Nte means "people of" and Asha is a proper name. The Ashante are the people of Asha, a Kushite ruler who established a kingdom in West Africa.

The Ashante tribes native to Ghana and Ivory Coast.
The name Asha is a priestly name in the Bible. One of Jesse's grandsons was named Asah-el, which means "made by God." The priest Elkanah had a son named Am-asi (I Chron. 2:25, 35), and a Jerusalem priest was named Am-ashai (Neh. 11:13). This suggests that the origins of the priesthood of Israel are to be traced to the older Kushite civilization. This makes sense since Abraham's ancestors came from Kush.
Black Arabs
The various regions of ancient Kush later came to be called by different names. Nubia, the land of gold (nu (means gold) was later called Aithiopia by the Greeks. Aithiopia means black. When the Arabs arrived, they translated aithiopia into the Arabic equivalent soudan(Sudan) which means black.

Before the naming of modern nations, the Kushite territories were ruled by tribal chiefs and overlords of larger territories. Biblical Kush included southern Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, the Horn of Africa and the western and eastern coastal areas of the Red Sea. Later, in the time of Sargon the Great (Nimrod), they controlled commerce on the Tigris River and then the Euphrates River. Kushite rulers controlled the water systems such as oases and wells and built shrines and temples on the Nile, Jordan, Euphrates and Tigris Rivers.
Linguistic and archaeological evidence supports the biblical picture of Abraham's ancestors coming from the Upper Nile region that was part of Kush and spreading their culture and religious beliefs by the great water systems across what I've termed the ancient "Afro-Asiatic Dominion." During this period the Sahara was a much wetter region.
Wichita Indians Grass-covered lodge, about 1880 (North America)
Hut of a village Dorzé people in south- western Ethiopia notice : The high conical roof down to the groundIn ancient inscriptions from Africa and Central Asia the Kushites were called many names including Kush, and Ethiopian. In Sumerian inscriptions they are called Meluha-Kasi. There is historical evidence that the word Meluha was a geographical designation for peoples who lived in the area of Nubia, Arabia and Northern Africa. "The Babylonian designation for Arabia is 'Magan and Meluha' and the two expressions are used distinctively, the one (Magan) to denote the eastern and southern part - that situated nearest to Babylonia, the other (Meluha) to denote the N. and W. The district of Sinai would thus form part of Meluha." (From here.) A term that is used today for the peoples of this region is "Afro-Arabian."
Genesis tells us that Abraham was a descendant of Kush and of the great Kushite kingdom-builder, Nimrod. Abraham lived after the time of the "division" that took place between Peleg and his brother Joktan. This division had to do with territory, but did not change the marriage pattern of these people. The priest lines of the Horite caste continued to intermarry according to the unique pattern of their people.